Department of Chemistry

Program Outcomes

PO1 :

Disciplinary Knowledge: Graduates will gain in-depth understanding in their specific major or discipline, mastering the foundational principles and theories, as well as advanced concepts. Execute strong theoretical and practical understanding developed from the specific programme in the area of work.

PO2 : Problem-Solving Skills: Graduates will learn to use their knowledge to identify, analyze, and solve problems related to their field of study.
PO3 : Analytical Skills: Graduates will gain the ability to collect, analyze, interpret, and apply data in a variety of contexts. They might also learn to use specialized software or equipment.
PO4 : Research Skills and Scientific temper: Depending on the field, graduates might learn how to design and conduct experiments or studies, analyze results, and draw conclusions. They might also learn to review and understand academic literature.
PO5 : Communication Skills: Many programs emphasize the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Graduates may learn to present complex information clearly and succinctly, write detailed reports, and collaborate effectively with others.
PO6 : Ethics and Professionalism: Graduates may learn about the ethical and professional standards in their field, and how to apply them in real-world situations.










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